Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Awesome things to see…horrible pics

Ok so can I just say that I have seen some of the most amazing pieces of art the last three days? It has truly been incredible but I also have to say that one none of my pictures do any of it justice, and two most of the time you can't even take any pictures! So I am doing one blogpost for the past three days and I'll be inserting quite a few pictures from the internet. On Monday we went to the Vatican Museums and Sistine chapel which is insane, Tuesday we went to the Capitoline Museum which is huge and Stefani and I actually got lost for a good 30 minutes and today we went to the Borghese galleries which were by far my favorite.
The famous giant pinecone at the Vatican, why is it famous I don't know but I do know that Dante mentions it in the Inferno

A women representing winter

A women representing fall, we weren't sure where spring and summer were

Some amazing ceiling, the ceilings are incredible here

Sistine Chapel

Rafael painting

This is Cupid and Psyche Stefani and I did a project on them for our prep course and then we actually saw it, that was pretty awesome. We just had to be lost for a little while before we got there.

This is a statue of Marcus Aurelius it's super important because it's kind of one of the only ones like this left and that's just because the Christians thought it was Constantine so they didn't destroy it.

The following pictures are all of Bernini's work they were all located in the Borghese galleries and were by far some of my favorite pieces I've seen the entire two weeks

This is Bernini's David which I absolutely love as it is the first  one I've really seen where David is in action. 
This is Apollo and Daphne, and is by far my favorite of Bernini's. Daphne is a water nymph who Apollo is chasing after  she isn't interested so she prayers to her father a river god to save her and he turns her into a laurel tree. The laurel tree from that point on is one of Apollo's symbols. If you look close there are roots coming from her toes.

This is also a favorite of mine. This is the kidnapping of Persephone by Herod. It is a really dark piece but the movement and emotion that Bernini created is so amazing. Pictures really don't do any of these justice.


  1. This is the best. If I had children I would want all of them to look like these statues.

  2. You are the best blogger in the universe.

  3. I bet Stefani is super jealous right now.
