Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Roma o Morte!

The ceiling of this church, it's all painted and gold leafed wood that was done after the following art

amazing art in Santa Maria in Trestevere 

More art, we're going to try to come back for mass sometime

More incredible art

 Looking up at the amazing ceiling

Cute doorway by a church
Ok so it's getting late and we have to make a super early start tomorrow so I'm not going to blog much but mostly post pictures. I'm having a fantastic time and things are going so well. It amazes me how every corner you turn there is some new amazing building or ruin, it's absolutely wonderful. We have seen some really incredible things, so many beautiful churches that I could never get sick of just sitting in and staring at the ceiling. Today we went to Ostio and old Roman town that was abandoned and left for ruin. It's really wonderful how things have been preserved and there was a very large theater and multiple story homes that were still up those pictures will be soon to come. We take a tour of the Colleseum and the Forum tomorrow so I will have much to write about that soon as well. The other day while walking down the street we saw a temple type structure along the top of it it said Roma o Morte which means Rome or Die haha I thought it was rather hilarious and it felt like even the old romans had a rock and roll edge to them. Rome is such an incredible city I absolutely love it!

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