Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gladiators, naps, and San Giovanni

So after the long day in Ostia we woke up nice and early to head to the Colosseum and Forum since there was a strike on the original day we were supposed to go. We got off the metro and BAM there's the Colosseum right out the doorway. With every other sight we've been to you have to walk a little ways before you get there but that is most certainly not how the Colosseum is. Not only is the Colosseum right there but there's the triumphal arch of Titus and Constantine and then you get this amazing view of a billion other ancient buildings! It really is incredible. The Colosseum is way bigger than I thought it was going to be and I'm not sure why I had the idea that it was a lot smaller but I will never think that again. Can I just say that Gladiators are crazy? Originally slaves would fight to the death when their master died so their master would have a companion to the underworld but then they decided to make it a sporting event which just seems barbaric to me. For those with weak stomaches don't read this next part but I also learned that they would mop up the blood from the arena and sell it to drink because they believed it would give you extra strength. One that guy just lost so how would that give you strength and two I just can't see how a people who can build such beautiful and amazing structures could be so violent! Blows my mind! The Forum was also crazy with just the size of the area but we weren't able to stay for long.

After the Forum Stefani and I headed home to take a much needed nap to try and shake some left over jet lag that was hanging on. I slept like a rock and woke up totally ready to go out on another adventure. We decided to head to San Giovanni which is the actual Cathedral of Rome. It is a common misconception that St. Peter's is the Cathedral in Rome but it doesn't have the Cathedra or the Bishop's seat. San Giovanni is incredible it is huge and beautiful and glorious and confusingly uncrowded. I thought that because it was the actual Cathedral it would be a big deal for tourists and such but there was hardly anyone there and we got to enjoy the peace and quiet of it undisturbed. It really was a wonderful day and it was nice to have some time where we could go out and explore a little bit on our own. For a girl who has never lived in a big city and who for many years was under the impression that public transportation meant carpooling with a friend I think I'm really getting the hang of traveling around the city in a very efficient way. It helps that Rome's transportation systems are pretty straight forward but when you throw in that everything is written in Italian I think I'm fairing quite nicely!

view from inside the metro station

lower level of the Colosseum

Diedra, Stefani and me in the Colosseum

A small dome in a side chapel in San Giovanni

I am afraid I don't remember exactly who or what this is but the woman on the left is Saint Helena and I know the man in the middle was a Pope if that helps at all.

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