Sunday, September 11, 2011

Over the river and through the woods…and more woods….and another river…and some fields…and a bus station….oh another bus station….ah the ocean!

So can I just say this has been one of the sketchiest journeys I've ever taken. Our little group that enthusiastically decided we were going to go to the ocean was never in any real trouble but we really didn't have any idea where we were going and it seemed like we just kept getting on random ways of transportation to try and find our way to a little town called Sabaudia. We had done some research on line the night before to find a beach first off and this one seemed to have the reputation of a really nice place to go where mostly only locals went and where the water was clean and warm. Well after our metro, train, two buses, and a twenty minute walk journey we finally found the beautiful beach in Sabaudia. It really was incredible and we were able to just enjoy the warm soft sand, and wonderfully clear water. I am not a huge fan of the beach but I absolutely loved this little excursion. Going home was once again a little stressful but we made it there and back without any incident and with Lucy making friends with a nice Italian lady who gave us some candy. It was for sure a worthwhile day.

When the group finally made it

I'm so excited to finally be here!

You have to do a jumping picture when you're at the beach

Look at these two lovely bathing beauties

Strike a pose!

Gotta love the beach

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